Insomnia is the inability to stay asleep for a sufficient duration to feel fully rested. Consequently you are overcome by a feeling of fatigue and sluggishness during the day. Impaired mental clarity causes weakened performance caused by insufficient sleep.
Typically, people suffering from insomnia experience an inability to fall asleep in spite of being tired. They may achieve a light sleep that leaves them tired after waking or waking too early.
There is continuing research being conducted on insomnia causes. There is an on going debate separating experts into two camps. The first group believes insomnia is a sympton of another psychological or physical disorder. The second group believes insomnia is a stand alone disorder of its own.
Symptoms of insomnia commonly include the following:
1. Waking from sleep too early and the inability to fall back to sleep
2. Dependence on sleeping aids like sleeping pills or alcohol to fall asleep
3. Being tired is a constant complaint during the day
4. Experiencing frequent headaches
5. You're easily irritated
6. Inability to concentrate
7. Waking up and still feeling tired
8. Drifting off to sleep takes more than an hour
9. Waking up at night repeatedly
People suffering from insomnia are referred to as insomniacs. Insomniacs frequently complain of their inability to shut their eyes or keep their minds still for a sustained period of time. This author is familiar with having your mind continue to race at bedtime.
We coexist in a world brimming with stress and we are frequently plagued with partially completed to-do lists that drive our active minds at bedtime. Some of us have trouble placing those partial to-do lists to the side when it's bedtime.
Creative personalities claim they come up with some of their best ideas at night while laying in bed just before falling asleep. An assute researcher remarked, "If a person conjured up as many ideas during the day as he or she does as an insomniac, they'd be rich!" Truthfully, although there may be some semblance of truth in this statement, chronic insomnia can take a toll on a person's health.
The dastardly thing about insomnia is your yearning to fall asleep but you're not able to do it. Your brain stays active and you're unable to quiet it down long enough to achieve the peaceful rest you need. Consequently, the next day you're so tired and unable to properly function. - 32513
Typically, people suffering from insomnia experience an inability to fall asleep in spite of being tired. They may achieve a light sleep that leaves them tired after waking or waking too early.
There is continuing research being conducted on insomnia causes. There is an on going debate separating experts into two camps. The first group believes insomnia is a sympton of another psychological or physical disorder. The second group believes insomnia is a stand alone disorder of its own.
Symptoms of insomnia commonly include the following:
1. Waking from sleep too early and the inability to fall back to sleep
2. Dependence on sleeping aids like sleeping pills or alcohol to fall asleep
3. Being tired is a constant complaint during the day
4. Experiencing frequent headaches
5. You're easily irritated
6. Inability to concentrate
7. Waking up and still feeling tired
8. Drifting off to sleep takes more than an hour
9. Waking up at night repeatedly
People suffering from insomnia are referred to as insomniacs. Insomniacs frequently complain of their inability to shut their eyes or keep their minds still for a sustained period of time. This author is familiar with having your mind continue to race at bedtime.
We coexist in a world brimming with stress and we are frequently plagued with partially completed to-do lists that drive our active minds at bedtime. Some of us have trouble placing those partial to-do lists to the side when it's bedtime.
Creative personalities claim they come up with some of their best ideas at night while laying in bed just before falling asleep. An assute researcher remarked, "If a person conjured up as many ideas during the day as he or she does as an insomniac, they'd be rich!" Truthfully, although there may be some semblance of truth in this statement, chronic insomnia can take a toll on a person's health.
The dastardly thing about insomnia is your yearning to fall asleep but you're not able to do it. Your brain stays active and you're unable to quiet it down long enough to achieve the peaceful rest you need. Consequently, the next day you're so tired and unable to properly function. - 32513
About the Author:
Ash Derbe has battled insomnia for many years. He has become a student of the condition and has written articles about insomnia causes and various cures. Ash has found a little known remedy that has given him relief from his insomnia. Ash's website can be found at