Insomnia is a condition whereby the ability to stay asleep for a long enough period of time to feel fully rested is absent. Daytime chronic fatigue and lack of energy is the consequence. Insufficient sleep affects mental clarity causing impaired performance of tasks requiring critial thinking.
Generally, people that have insomnia can't fall asleep even though they are very tired. They may even achieve a light sleep that often leaves them fatigued and tired after waking up or they awake too early.
Insomnia causes are being researched and there is a debate on whether insomnia is a symptom of another psychological or physical condition or whether it's a primary disorder all on its own.
Generally, insomnia produces the following symptoms:
1. Arousing from sleeping too early and not being able to fall to sleep again
2. Reliance on drugs and/or alcohol to go to asleep
3. Feelings of fatigue and being tired during waking hours
4. Complaining of headaches often
5. You're easily irritated
6. Inability to concentrate
7. Waking up and still feeling tired
8. Takes you more than 30 to 40 minutes to drift into sleep
9. Stiring often during the night
People suffering from insomnia are referred to as insomniacs. Insomniacs frequently complain of their inability to shut their eyes or keep their minds still for a sustained period of time. This author is familiar with having your mind continue to race at bedtime.
We live in a stress-filled world, and we are often afflicted with incomplete tasks and to-do lists that continue to race around in our minds at bedtime. Many people have real issues putting those to-do lists to the side when it's time for bed.
Some artistic personalities swear they create their best ideas just before falling asleep while laying in bed. A famous philosopher once said, "If a man created as many great ideas in the daytime as he does suffering from insomnia, he'd be a millionnaire!" Although there is some truth in every anecdote, sleep issues can affect a person's health for the worse.
The most menacing thing insomniacs face is their longing to go to sleep but for some reason just can't. Insomniacs are not able to quiet their minds sufficently to acquire the rest they need. The following day, insomniacs are fatigued and seemingly unable to function optimally. - 32513
Generally, people that have insomnia can't fall asleep even though they are very tired. They may even achieve a light sleep that often leaves them fatigued and tired after waking up or they awake too early.
Insomnia causes are being researched and there is a debate on whether insomnia is a symptom of another psychological or physical condition or whether it's a primary disorder all on its own.
Generally, insomnia produces the following symptoms:
1. Arousing from sleeping too early and not being able to fall to sleep again
2. Reliance on drugs and/or alcohol to go to asleep
3. Feelings of fatigue and being tired during waking hours
4. Complaining of headaches often
5. You're easily irritated
6. Inability to concentrate
7. Waking up and still feeling tired
8. Takes you more than 30 to 40 minutes to drift into sleep
9. Stiring often during the night
People suffering from insomnia are referred to as insomniacs. Insomniacs frequently complain of their inability to shut their eyes or keep their minds still for a sustained period of time. This author is familiar with having your mind continue to race at bedtime.
We live in a stress-filled world, and we are often afflicted with incomplete tasks and to-do lists that continue to race around in our minds at bedtime. Many people have real issues putting those to-do lists to the side when it's time for bed.
Some artistic personalities swear they create their best ideas just before falling asleep while laying in bed. A famous philosopher once said, "If a man created as many great ideas in the daytime as he does suffering from insomnia, he'd be a millionnaire!" Although there is some truth in every anecdote, sleep issues can affect a person's health for the worse.
The most menacing thing insomniacs face is their longing to go to sleep but for some reason just can't. Insomniacs are not able to quiet their minds sufficently to acquire the rest they need. The following day, insomniacs are fatigued and seemingly unable to function optimally. - 32513
About the Author:
Ash Derbe has suffered from insomnia most of his adult life. He has studied and written articles about the causes and various insomnia remedies. Ash has found a little known remedy that has given him relief from his insomnia. Ash's site can be found at