Basic Facts About Depression

By Micheal Rowlings

You want to learn a few things about depression, check this out. There are about 18 million Americans who suffer from depression and the number is steadily growing. Out of these 18 millions more than half suffer from major or clinical depression.

Dealing with depression

It has been found that more than two thirds of the people who suffer from depression do not seek medical help for various reasons. When you suffer from depression you would also have to endure rejection and ridicule from friends. When you are depressed you stop taking interest in things around you; nothing excites you any longer, your productivity falls continuously despite your best efforts, you feel like bursting into tears at the drop of the hat, cannot sleep at night, cannot eat even your favorite foods make you nauseous.

The facts of Depression say that if it is diagnosed properly at the right time there is an eighty percent probability of the reversal of these effects and the individual can get back to their normal life very soon. The most unfortunate fact is most people still consider that depression does not require any medical attention and as a result they suffer the effects of depression quietly.

One of the most astonishing fact of depression is that women who suffer from depression problem are twice as that of men who suffer from it. Most women relate their depression problem to menopause issue and hence consider not visiting the doctor for consulting about it. Studies show that in the list of causes for life loss, depression will be in the second number by year 2020.

Checking depression facts

Check if there is a family history of depression in your family and if it exists check what kind of medications they had taken for fighting it out. It has been found out that there are four percent more chances of an individual falling prey to depression if there is a family history.

One of the other most astonishing truths is that anybody regardless of lifestyle, age, nationality or background can easily be affected by depression. An individual is more likely to get into depression during their late twenties which would stay for their life time it its not treated properly. Nevertheless, twenty percent of people go through this depression without being aware of it and hence do not go in for any treatments.

Best ways of identifying Depression

Symptoms which show insomnia, loss of concentration, loss of appetite, drifting memory clearly point out that the person is suffering from depression. Whatever it is, the best way to come out is to visit your doctor. - 32513

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